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Orders Officially Open for “OMNIedge” IoT Service for Manufacturing’s AI Diagnostic Service (ADV) for Rotary Components

AI Predicts Rotary Component Abnormalities and Failures and Specifies Recommended Maintenance March 24, 2023 THK is now offering the brand-new AI Diagnostic Service (ADV), following the rotary component solution for its “OMNIedge” IoT service for the manufacturing industry.  The maintenance of motors, pumps, fans, and other rotary components that are indispensable for process automation in…

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A Stalling Automation Transformation: SevenSense Asks “Why Do Only 6 Percent Of Warehouses Use AGV’s?”

March 24, 2023 Warehouse automation situation No one argues against the potential benefits that automation can bring to the logistic operations. There is consensus across the industry that automated material handling and transport will: increase efficiency, profitability, safety, and robustness to labor fluctuations. Still, according to a G2 report, only 6% of warehouses used automated guided…


Everything You Need to Know About Robots-as-a-Service (RaaS) by Automate

March 23, 2023 The pressure to automate has never been stronger. Even though barriers to entry have lessened in recent years, figuring out where and how to start can still feel daunting. So it’s no surprise that recent years have seen a sharp increase in Robots-as-a-Service (RaaS). In fact, ABI Research predicted that there will be 1.3…


Experience Automation Knowledge at SHUNK’s 8th CoLab in Hertogenbosch

Match 9, 2023 On February 9, 2023, SCHUNK opened its eighth CoLab worldwide. The new robot application center is located at the Dutch site in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Here, experts accompany the way into automated processes and test customer-specific automation modules realistically on different lightweight robots. Automation is no longer a trend, but a necessary means of…

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Electrozad Automation Event Showcases Latest Industry Advancements

March 9, 2023 Electrozad’s Automation event unveils the latest Hardware, Software, and Solutions in Power and Mechatronics, Services, Software and Control, and Smart Components. On Wednesday, February 22, 2023, Electrozad’s Windsor branch hosted Automation Technology Update, bringing together engineers, designers, project managers, business developers, technicians, and leadership, to explore the latest advancements and innovations in…

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Logistics Industry | Fully Autonomous RFID-based Inventory System Uses OMRON Mobile Robots

March 3, 2023 How did Omron’s autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) help smart inventory solutions provider T&W Operations eliminate manual and forklift-dependent processes in their fully autonomous RFID inventory system? Watch this video to learn about the game-changing Omron AMR technology that incorporates dynamic mapping capabilities and a mobile base that can safely carry heavy payloads…

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Government of Canada to Support EXFO in Developing the Next Generation 5G Centre of Excellence Using AI


Recently, Rachel Bendayan, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Tourism and Associate Minister of Finance, on behalf of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced an investment of $15.9 million to support a $77 million project with EXFO to create a 5G centre of excellence in Montréal.


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Festo Introduces at Pack Expo AI for Improved Uptime, Quality, and Energy Efficiency


Festo introduces at Pack Expo 2022 the Festo Automation Experience (AX), a new artificial intelligence (AI) platform for predictive quality, predictive maintenance, and energy optimization. Using advanced analytics, Festo AX maps data to learn a component, machine, product, or energy system’s healthy state. Festo AX provides actionable information to correct anomalies when data begins trending out of normal. Festo demonstrates AX at Pack Expo 2022, October 23-26, McCormick Place, Chicago, Festo Booth #N6213.


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Artificial Intelligence Lifts Data Treasures


Every day, sensors in production plants collect huge amounts of data. However, companies seldom realize how valuable the correct evaluation of large amounts of data is. This creates data graves whose potential remains undiscovered. The Heubach Group had a similar experience. However, with Festo AX artificial intelligence, it was proven that benefits for maintenance, engineering and productivity can be achieved from central PID data.


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Augmenta Emerges from Stealth Mode and Raises US$4.1 Million in Seed Funding to Automate Building Design for the Construction Industry


Augmenta, the company automating building design for the construction industry, recently announced it has emerged from stealth mode with US$4.1 million in seed funding to bring to market its design platform for the construction industry. 


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Everything You Need to Know About the AIoT – An Interview with the AIOT Corporate Influencer and Data Analyst of Bosch Rexroth


The world is changing. Every day. In many ways. The fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, has fundamentally changed the way we live, work, and relate to our world. Three terms from Industry 4.0 warrant further attention: the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT). But what do they mean, and perhaps, more importantly, what do they mean to industry? Mechatronic Canada had the opportunity to ask Ozge Karadag, the AIoT Corporate Influencer and Data Analyst at Bosch Rexroth about the AIoT. This article helps to demystify these concepts and explores their applications in use today.


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International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Demand a Seat on Government’s Advisory Council on Artificial Intelligence


The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) is demanding workers be represented on the Advisory Council on Artificial Intelligence created in 2019 to advise the Government of Canada on building Canada’s strengths and global leadership in AI, identify opportunities to create economic growth that benefits all Canadians and ensuring that AI advancements reflect Canadian values.


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Five Automation Trends in Electronics Manufacturing


These days, we can’t build electronics quick enough. From the way our cars can sense their surroundings and the refrigerator that can order groceries when you run out to our ability to look up anything in the palm of our hand, electronics drive it all. Consumers and businesses alike want all of it—fast. Here are five examples of how electronics manufacturers are taking advantage of automation in their facilities.  


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Parker and Camgian Partner to Deliver AI-Connected Services


The Electronic Motion and Controls Division of Parker Hannifin Corporation, a global leader in motion and control technologies, has partnered with Camgian to bring advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities to their IoT connected services platforms. Specifically, the partnership aims to create AI-enabled solutions and services that power the next-generation digital enterprise. This includes the delivery of new AI-driven operating models for markets fueled by IoT-connected services that enable higher levels of operational intelligence and system performance across Parker’s global footprint.


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Amii Invites the World to AI Week With $100,000 In Travel Bursaries



In anticipation of AI Week, May 24 – 27, 2022, the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) announced the first $100,000 in travel bursaries for emerging researchers and applied artificial intelligence (AI) professionals globally. The Global Talent Bursary program will facilitate upwards of 500 guests to attend AI Week in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. For more information and to apply, head over to www.ai-week.ca/talent-bursaries.


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AI Scale-Up EAIGLE Harnesses the Power of Ontario’s Tech Ecosystem


The road to success for Markham-based artificial intelligence (AI) solutions scale-up EAIGLE began in perhaps the least techy place imaginable: public swimming pools. Health and safety protocols dictate that water in city pools must be changed based on how many people swim each day. But according to EAIGLE Co-Founder and CEO Amir Hoss, many litres of water are typically wasted every day, which has a drastic impact on our environment. With his experience working on smart cities, Hoss teamed up with University of Toronto PhD graduate and current EAIGLE Co-founder and CTO Mahdi Marsousi to develop a way to count the number of people who visit the pool using an image processing software powered by deep tech AI.