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BionicBee: Autonomous Flying in a Swarm

April 24, 2024 BionicBee – ultralight flying object with precise control For more than 15 years, the Bionic Learning Network has been focusing on the fascination of flying. In addition to the technical decoding of bird flight, the team has researched and technologically implemented numerous other flying objects and their natural principles. With the BionicBee,…

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An Electric New Era for Atlas

April 18, 2024 Boston Dynamic’s new electric Atlas platform is here. Supported by decades of visionary robotics innovation and years of practical experience, Boston Dynamics is tackling the next commercial frontier Boston Dynamics recently announced the retirement of their hydraulic Atlas and unveiled what comes next—a fully electric Atlas robot designed for real-world applications. The…

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Spot at AB InBev Belgium | Boston Dynamics

January 10, 2024 Spot at AB InBev Belgium A key part of AB InBev’s “Brewery of the Future” program, Spot conducts 1,800 individual inspections each week across ten packaging lines that churn over 50,000 containers of Stella Artois, Budweiser, and Corona beer every hour. In the first six months of deployment, Spot discovered nearly 150…

Spot at Nestle Purina Boston Dynamics
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Spot at Nestlé Purina – Boston Dynamics

November 16, 2023 Discover why Spot was the right fit for Nestlé Purina Nestlé Purina deployed Spot to automate thermal and acoustic inspections in their packaging lines. Autonomous inspections allow them to give time back to the maintenance technicians, better predict and plan repairs, and ensure reliable operations. Discover why Spot was the right fit…

Spot at Ontario Power Generation
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Spot at Ontario Power Generation

Automating Circuit Breaker Tripping and Racking September 14, 2023 There are an estimated 30,000 instances of arc flash each year in the United States alone, and one to two fatalities occur daily in North America. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has five Boston Dynamics’ Spot robots deployed throughout their Enterprise Innovation division. In 2022, the team…

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What’s New in Spot Release 3.3

June 14, 2023 Lights, Camera, Sensing! The industry standard for dangerous and routine autonomous inspections just got better, now with a brand new set of features and hardware for Spot. More Information Boston Dynamics Related Story Next-Level Robotic Inspection is Here! Spot Levels Up Boston Dynamics announces brand new features and hardware for Spot, an industry standard for…

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Next-Level Robotic Inspection is Here! Spot Levels Up

June 7, 2023 Boston Dynamics announces brand new features and hardware for Spot, an industry standard for dangerous and routine autonomous inspections. Improved Inspection Workflows Critical industrial tasks like thermal monitoring, acoustic leak detection, and gauge reading are made easier through our automated inspection solutions. Human-Oriented Hardware Redesigned hardware and new robot behaviors reshape how Spot interacts with…

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Festo’s BionicSwift: New Impulses for Factory and Process Automation

Date The BionicSwifts are agile, maneuverable, and can even fly loops and steep turn In everyday factory operations, automation technology performs typical tasks such as gripping, moving and positioning goods, and controlling and regulating processes. Nature solves all these tasks naturally, simply, and energy efficiently. What could be more logical than to examine these natural…

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Festo’s Bionic Learning Network: New Impulses for Factory and Process Automation


In everyday factory operations, automation technology performs typical tasks such as gripping, moving and positioning goods, and controlling and regulating processes. Nature solves all these tasks naturally, simply, and energy efficiently. What could be more logical than to examine these natural phenomena and learn from them? This is why in 2006 Festo set up an international research network linking themselves to well-known universities, institutes, development companies, and private inventors to create the Bionic Learning Network.’

Festo’s Bionic Flower – A Bionically Inspired Robot Teaching Aid
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Festo’s Bionic Flower – A Bionically Inspired Robot Teaching Aid

Festo is renowned for its bionic creatures – robotic fauna that fly, crawl, scamper or swim and point the way to possible commercial developments that mimic actions in nature. Now, Festo Didactic, the leader in basic and advanced training solutions for industry, has unveiled the Bionic Flower, a construction kit for today’s young STEM students inspired by the world of flora.




Festo’s Bionic Mobile Assistant – a Robotic Helping Hand Like None Other
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Festo’s Bionic Mobile Assistant – a Robotic Helping Hand Like None Other

Advancing gripping technology is essential for promoting new uses for automated systems. Festo’s Bionic Mobile Assistant robotic helper, one of the latest reveals from the company’s Bionic Learning Network, represents a significant advance in mimicking that most amazing gripping tool of nature – the human hand.