Osensa Announces Fiber Optic Temperature Monitoring Solution for Medium Voltage Equipment Including Switchgear and Busbars

Osensa Announces Fiber Optic Temperature Monitoring Solution for Medium Voltage Equipment Including Switchgear and Busbars

In late April of 2020, OSENSA Innovations Corp. announced the commercial availability of its FTX-910-PWR+R fiber optic temperature transmitter with PRB-910 and PRB-110 probes for continuous monitoring of electrical hot spots in equipment up to 38kV.




Festo’s Bionic Flower – A Bionically Inspired Robot Teaching Aid

Festo’s Bionic Flower – A Bionically Inspired Robot Teaching Aid

Festo is renowned for its bionic creatures – robotic fauna that fly, crawl, scamper or swim and point the way to possible commercial developments that mimic actions in nature. Now, Festo Didactic, the leader in basic and advanced training solutions for industry, has unveiled the Bionic Flower, a construction kit for today’s young STEM students inspired by the world of flora.




Versatility, Precision and Short Lead Times: The CRD MR Rotary Indexer

Versatility, Precision and Short Lead Times: The CRD MR Rotary Indexer

Whether due to a bustling economy, reshoring, better technology or a skilledlabor shortage, manufacturers are automating more than ever before. According to ASSEMBLY magazine’s annual Capital Equipment Spending Survey, 89 percent of U.S. factories employed manual assembly processes in 2009, while only 17 percent used fixed automation.




SMC Automation: MXQ A, Precision Slide Table (Recirculating Bearings) – Standard Double Ported

SMC Automation: MXQ A, Precision Slide Table (Recirculating Bearings) – Standard Double Ported

The MXQ A is the newest generation of precision slide tables integrated with hardened stainless steel guides and rails to isolate the load bearing from the movement of the dual rods and piston seals. Its recirculating ball bearings are matched by size to each slide table with a slight negative clearance resulting in greater accuracy.




Yaskawa Motoman: FM-Approved MHP45L Handling Robot for Use in Hazardous Environments

Yaskawa Motoman: FM-Approved MHP45L Handling Robot for Use in Hazardous Environments

The high-speed, six-axis MHP45L handling robot is Factory Mutual (FM) approved for Class 1, Division 1 use in hazardous environments. Featuring a wide motion range, this robust robot is ideal for transferring large workpieces while avoiding interference with paint robots and other peripheral equipment.