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Goodyear Canada Inc. Investing More Than $575 Million to Expand Ontario Plant, Creating and Securing More Than 1,000 Jobs

August 13, 2024 From mining critical minerals to building cars and batteries, Canada is attracting historic investments to help secure and create jobs, grow our economy and keep our air clean. In the last four years, we’ve seen companies announce more than $46 billion in electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing investments across Canada. They want a…


Eplan Forum – Transformation: Preparing Engineering for the Future

August 13, 2024 Thinking big but starting small – this is often a sensible step to take to be successful. With the digital transformation in full swing, the same applies to engineering. It’s an excellent idea for experts in the field to network: worldwide! This is exactly what will be taking place at the Eplan…

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Why Choose SEW-EURODRIVE VFD’S? Discover More

August 12, 2024 Decentralized Variable Frequency Drives (VFD’S) Power, Communications, Integration and Support All-in-One! SEW-EURODRIVE’s decentralized drive technology has everything you need – compact drive units, decentralized inverters and motion controllers for field use – and everything can be easily combined and recombined as required. This is all possible because the standardized control and communication…

SEW-Eurodrive Is Your Complete Source for Motion Control
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SEW-Eurodrive Is Your Complete Source for Motion Control

August 12, 2024 By Krystie Johnston SEW-Eurodrive specializes in custom, scalable drive solutions that focus on meeting the needs of customers today – and into the future. SEW-Eurodrive’s decentralized variable frequency drives combine power, communications, integration, and support all-in-one, saving you time and money. They have this and so much more to offer. SEW-Eurodrive has set…

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Operating Principles of Omron Inductive Proximity Sensors

August 12, 2024 Modern automation and industrial control systems rely heavily on inductive proximity sensors like ones from Omron. These sensors use the principles of electromagnetic induction to determine if metallic items are present or absent without coming into direct touch with them. Their resistance to harsh circumstances, such as exposure to dust, grime, oil, and…

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Ontario Investing Nearly $17 Million to Support Workers in Northern Ontario

August 12, 2024 Funding will help connect over 36,000 workers to better jobs and bigger paycheques The Ontario government is investing nearly $17 million through the Skills Development Fund (SDF) to train over 36,000 workers in the North for in-demand careers in mining, construction, energy and forestry and build new training facilities. With this investment, the province…

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Moving the Cobot Welder Into Traditional Automation with Synchronous Motion

August 12, 2024 Manufacturing seems to be a mixed bag right now, with some folks up big and others struggling. Finding welders continues to drive challenges for fabricators and when we look to automation, it can feel overwhelming to trade a welder shortage for a robot tech shortage. While no one wants to turn away…

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FANUC America Unveils New $110 Million Robotics and Automation Campus

August 8, 2024 FANUC America has expanded its footprint to over 2 million square feet and has created over 400 jobs since 2019. FANUC America, a global leader in robotics and automation systems, has officially unveiled its new 650,000 square foot West Campus facility in Auburn Hills, Michigan. The expansion increases the footprint in Michigan…


Ontario Investing Up to $260 Million to Train Workers

August 8, 2024 Applications now open for largest round of Skills Development Fund to train workers in manufacturing, construction and technology The Ontario government’s Skills Development Fund (SDF) Training Stream opened on July 29, with up to an additional $260 million available, the biggest funding round since the Fund launched in 2021. Building on the success of…


WAGO’s Remote I/O: The Winning Hand in Industrial Automation

August 8, 2024 WAGO’s 750/753 Series Remote I/O system provides the confidence to go all-in on your automation application. Boasting 16 fieldbus options and interoperability with higher level PLCs, these modules offer the most flexible, modular, and compact platform for stand-alone or distributed automation. Choose from over 500 simple and complex modules that allow for easy…


Assiniboine College and Siemens Partner to Offer Globally Recognized Mechatronic Systems Certification

August 7, 2024 Assiniboine College is excited to announce that the new Mechatronics Engineering Technology (Robotics and Automation) program launching in fall 2025 will give students access to industry leading certification through the Siemens Mechatronics Systems Certification Program (SMSCP). The Siemens Mechatronic Systems Certification Program is an international industry standard comprehensive skills certification in mechatronics…


Canada and United States Conclude Negotiations on Technology Safeguards Agreement

August 7, 2024 The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, have announced on behalf of the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, that Canada and the United States have concluded substantive negotiations for a Technology Safeguards Agreement (TSA). The Canada-United…

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Maritime Launch Services Congratulates the Government of Canada on the Conclusion of Space Launch Treaty Negotiations with the United States

August 7, 2024 Maritime Launch is building Spaceport Nova Scotia, Canada’s first and only commercial spaceport located near Canso, Nova Scotia. Maritime Launch Services Inc. congratulates the Government of Canada on concluding negotiations on a Technology Safeguard Agreement (TSA) with the United States. This landmark government-to-government treaty represents a significant milestone for the Canadian space…


Sustane Partners with Alberta County on Groundbreaking Waste Initiative

August 1, 2024 County of Wetaskiwin and Sustane Technologies Partner for Groundbreaking Waste Initiative The County of Wetaskiwin and Nova Scotia based Sustane Technologies Inc. proudly announce a collaborative venture which will increase sustainability and drive economic growth by transforming waste into valuable resources. This partnership will adapt Sustane’s award winning and proven technologies specifically…


Sustainable Solutions: Sustane Gives Plastic Waste a Second Life

August 1 2024 Cleantech company develops alternative fuel for export market Shifting away from fossil fuels lowers greenhouse gas emissions and fosters innovation and economic growth. Minimizing plastic waste helps preserve our ecosystems and reduces the burden on landfills. The Government of Canada is investing in a company that is doing both at the same…

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Survey Insights: How Manufacturers are Embracing Technology in 2024

August 1, 2024 Why do manufacturers invest in technologies like robotics, cloud computing and AI? What’s the main barriers to them adopting new tech? And how do they plan to invest in the future? This Spring, Universal Robots conducted a comprehensive survey involving 1,200 manufacturers across Europe and North America to understand their views on…