MC ABB Survey Reveals Re Industrialization at Risk from Global Education Gap in Automation 1 400x275

ABB Survey Reveals Re-Industrialization at Risk from Global “Education Gap” In Automation


A global ABB survey has revealed a growing trend in US and European businesses towards re-shoring or nearshoring operations to build resilience in the face of global challenges – but at the same time, a significant education gap in the skills necessary for these strategies to succeed.


MC Saskatchewan Announcs Funding for Educational Events 1 400

Saskatchewan Announces Funding for Educational Events in the Information Technology and Green Energy Sectors


Recently, the Government of Saskatchewan announced a one-time investment of $158,000 from Innovation Saskatchewan and the Ministry of Immigration and Career Training to the Saskatoon Industry Education Council, in partnership with Siemens Canada, to create awareness about careers in the Information Technology (IT) and green energy sectors. 


Universal Robots Launches First Collaborative Robot Certifications for Education

Universal Robots Launches First Collaborative Robot Certifications for Education

As collaborative robots emerge as the fastest growing segment of industrial automation, cobot curriculum developed by an industrial leader is increasingly sought after in schools and manufacturing industries. “With the Education Program we’re addressing a tremendous need to provide cobot training as part of an integrated course,” says Joe Campbell.