via rail

Via Rail Reaches Crucial Milestones in Q3 2021


VIA Rail Canada (VIA Rail) reports that, between July and September, it continued to implement its gradual service resumption plan, increasing service levels to over 50% in the Québec City-Windsor corridor and reintroducing one weekly round trip on the Ocean route. As a result of these measures along with an increase in travel demand, VIA Rail recorded a rise in ridership and passenger revenues of 117% and 183% respectively during the third quarter of 2021 compared to the same period last year.


MC Hannover Messe Rescheduled to May30 June2 1 400

HANNOVER MESSE Will Be Postponed | New Date 30 May – 2 June 2022


Deutsche Messe AG, in close cooperation with the HANNOVER MESSE exhibitor advisory board and partner associations VDMA (Association of German Mechanical and Plant Engineering) and ZVEI (Central Association of German Electrical Engineering and Digital Industry), has rescheduled HANNOVER MESSE 2022 for 30 May–2 June. The show was originally planned for April. Experience shows that summer is best for face-to-face events, so the new date offers all participants the greatest possible safety and planning security. Taking into account the current concentration of events in the summer months, as well as vacation and travel times, HANNOVER MESSE will be carried out once as a four-day event.


MC Robotics Mechatronics in Entertainment Industry 1 400

Robotics & Mechatronics in the Entertainment Industry


The term Entertainment includes all things music, film, sports, events, and more. Anything we as a collective community enjoy together can be considered entertainment. There are endless and exciting possibilities for the use of robotics and automation within the entertainment industry. In this very high-level overview, Electromate outlines some amazing things that are being done with robotics and mechatronics in entertainment.


MC ABB Robotics Academy Online Learning 1 400

ABB Robotics Academy Online Learning


ABB’s online learning content is free of charge and can be viewed on any PC, MAC, smartphone, or tablet with Internet access. Additional content will be added continuously. Select an e-learning or tutorial, submit the required details, and a link will be e-mailed to you. Tutorials include topics like Introduction to OmniCore™ V250XT, Getting started with SWIFTI™ Tutorial, and Getting started with GoFa™ Tutorial, Single-arm YuMi® Tutorial, among others. 



MC Omron Meet Danny Cervantes 1 400

Meet Omron’s Danny Cervantes, featured in MICHauto’s “Discover Auto: You Drive the Future” Campaign


Many of today’s high school students know little to nothing about automotive plants, and they often have a wrong impression of the high-tech, modernized industry. They also might assume engineering is the only type of career that’s relevant to automotive, when in fact there are job opportunities in everything from a skilled trade to marketing and sales. Since automotive manufacturing is anticipated to not only grow significantly over the next few years, but also undergo dramatic changes, it’s essential to encourage interest in an automotive career among today’s young people. That’s why Omron is teaming up with organizations like MICHauto to educate high schoolers and college-age students about the industry.


MC Omron Three Ways Robotic Solutions Improve Logistics 1 400

Three Ways Today’s New Robotic Solutions Improve Logistics Applications


If you are feeling like your employees are bogged down with repetitive tasks that are preventing them from using their creativity, you’re not alone in the logistics world. Many warehouses and distribution centres continue to rely heavily on manual activities like tote moving and order picking, which drain workers and sometimes lead to stress injuries. Employees can make a greater contribution when they’re freed up from dull, unfulfilling tasks. Fortunately, today’s robotic solutions have advanced to the point where variations in product shapes and sizes are no longer an issue. Omron looks at the potential contributions of collaborative robots (“cobots”) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs).


MC Omron IPC APEX Show Jan25 27 1 400

Omron at IPC APEX Show January 25 to 27th


Attracting more than 9,000 professionals from over 45 countries each year, IPC APEX EXPO is the premier event for the electronics manufacturing industry. It’s a grat opportunity for anyone seeking to harness powerful inspection solutions that will reduce costs, eliminate waste, and improve their company’s competitive edge. In Booth #2732, Omron will be showcasing their full line of SPI, AOI, and AXI equipment as well as factory automation solutions that improve quality, use resources more efficiently, and help build zero-defect manufacturing lines.


DCS FedDevCanada Supports Scale up Manufacturing Businesses 1 400

Government of Canada Supports Scale-up and Growth of Southern Ontario’s Manufacturing Sector


The manufacturing industry has shown great resilience despite the challenges of the last few years. By adapting to new technologies, production methods, marketing strategies, and business processes, it is becoming more competitive and transitioning to a greener economy. The Canadian government is working to ensure businesses and communities in every region of the country have the tools and support they need to recover, create new jobs, and to seize new opportunities to strengthen the economy. 


MC Piezo Motion Expands US Partner Network 1 400

Piezo Motion Continues Expanding U.S. Partner Network


Piezo Motion, a Brain Scientific company, and Advanced Motion Systems recently announced a distribution partnership. Piezo Motion is a developer and leading manufacturer of precision motor technology. Advanced Motion Systems, based in central New York, specializes in industrial automation products and services. Through the partnership, Advanced Motion will expand its market by offering piezoelectric motors to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) across New York.


MC How Omron Robots are Helping Engineering Students 1 400

How Omron Robots are Helping UM-Dearborn Engineering Students Prepare for Careers


Engineering students at the University of Michigan have a much larger and more exciting space to gain hands-on experience. The brand-new Engineering Lab Building (ELB) is now in use, featuring robotic equipment donated by Omron to give students a taste of what a next-generation manufacturing facility is like.


MC Control Techniques Three Awards 1 400

Control Techniques Pick Up Three Awards In Transform Awards North America 2021


Way back in 2018 the decision was taken to create a new identity for Control Techniques, touching every part of the organisation. Following a change in ownership it became evident that there was some confusion in the marketplace over who Control Techniques is, and where it stood in a modern competitive landscape. It was a good time to completely realign the business to set it up for the future. 


MC COntrol Techniques Microchip Shortage 1 400

Control Techniques Finds Way Around Global Microcontroller Shortage


Control Techniques Engineers step up to the plate, in record time, to tackle the global microprocessor shortage. When your company manufactures products that rely on advanced microcontrollers at the heart of the product and these components are in very short supply globally, you have two choices. You let the crisis that is affecting the rest of the world affect you or you do something about it!


MC Yaskawa logo 1 400

New Ways to Automate with Robotics in 2022


With 2021 coming to a close, rapidly-changing technology, consumer demands and competitive pressures continue to inspire the implementation of creative operational strategies. As a result, more affordable yet highly flexible robots are being implemented on production floors to effectively deal with supply chain challenges, skilled labor shortages, an unprecedented pandemic and general market fluctuations. With this in mind, here are some trends and innovations savvy manufacturers may want to consider when planning for a successful 2022 and beyond.

MC ABB Expands Installation Products Plant in Canada 1 400

ABB Expands Installation Products Plant in Canada


ABB is investing CA$16 million in its Installation Products Division manufacturing facility in Pointe-Claire, Canada. This enables expanded production capacity to meet the growing needs of customers from coast to coast. “ABB’s investment is part of a five-year strategy to integrate new digital processes and automation across our operations,” says Matthias Heilmann, President, ABB Installation Products Division. “With our customer-first approach, this enables us to further innovate our products and manufacturing capabilities to meet the specific needs of the Canadian market.”


MC Electromate Great Place to Work 1 400

Electromate® Made it onto the 2021 List of Best Workplaces™ in Professional Services


 Electromate® Inc. is proud to announce that our organization has been named on the 2021 list of Best Workplaces™ in Professional Services. Electromate Inc. received this honour after a thorough and independent analysis conducted by Great Place to Work®. The list is based on direct feedback from employees of hundreds of organizations that were surveyed by Great Place to Work®. The data has a 90% confidence and a plus or minus 5% margin of error.